032 Human Resource Development

Q. No. 1. Discuss the different dilemmas faced by the HR head. 10 Marks

Q. No. 2. What are the characteristics of a multicultural organization? Identify the stages involved in the creation of a multicultural organization. 5+5 Marks

Q. No. 3. Define Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Describe the types of CSR and highlight its significance for society. 3+7 Marks

Q. No. 4. Describe the effects of work place violence. Discuss the strategies for prevention of work place violence. 4+6 Marks

Q. No. 5. Discuss the Big Five Personality traits and other important personality traits that can influence behavior in organizations. 3+3 Marks

Q. No. 6. Discuss any two behavioral methods of training and development. 3+3 Marks

Q. No. 7. Explain all the basic fundamental human rights of the citizens if India. 6 Marks

Q. No. 8.  Elucidate the various strategies for retention of employees. 6 Marks

Q. No. 9. Discuss the concept and strategies of Human Resource Development. 2+4 Marks

Q. No. 10. Talent Inventory 3 Marks

Q. No. 11. Reasons for the emergence of diversity in organization 3 Marks

Q. No. 12. Core Conventions of the International Labor Organization 3 Marks

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