MPC-001-03-01 Language Acquisition

1.2 Language and Cognition
1.3 Linguistics
1.3.1 The Structure of Language
1.3.2 The Buildings Blocks of Language
1.4 Language Acquisition
1.4.1 Stages of Language Acquisition
1.4.2 Language Acquisition and Cognitive Science
1.4.3 Language and Thought
1.5 Theories of Language Acquisition
1.5.1 Behaviouristic Theory
1.5.2 Limitations of Behaviourism Theory
1.5.3 Innateness Theory
1.5.4 Evidence to Support Innateness Theory
1.5.5 Limitations of Chomsky’s Theory
1.5.6 Cognitive Theory
1.5.7 Limitations of Cognitive Theories
1.5.8 Inputs or Integrationist Theories
1.5.9 Limitations of Inputs Theories
1.6 The Biology of Language Acquisition
1.6.1 Maturational Changes in Brain
1.6.2 Dissociations Between Language and General Intelligence
1.6.3 Neural Networks

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